Monday, June 25, 2012

These Boots Were Made for Walking

While walking around the South Bank here in London, one of the heels from my boots fell off. This reminded me of the very last day in Varanasi after 10 weeks in India and that one of my sandals that I had worn every day, broke. Things fall apart.

Heidegger's essay, "The Origin of a Work of Art" deals with the concept of the difference between functionality and Art, where it crosses over, where it does't, inter alia. However, he discusses Van Gogh's painting of a pair peasant's shoes and how they are worn with "care" and serves a purpose. That the painting was a reflection of this purpose. When our tools break, we recognize their functionality and their purpose, specifically when we need said tools. Such as being several miles away from where you need to be an your shoe heel falls off, or some such example.

These boots have served me quite well, and if you look closely, you will see that those are not the original soles. In fact, I have gone through two soles on each and at least as many heels and the sides are splitting.

I have walked. I love to walk and I do so several miles on any given day, and when traveling, that may reach 10-15 in large cities, in addition to a great deal of public transportation, such as the Tube here.

If you know me, you know that I will wear things until they are in shambles if it is a favorite article of clothing, such as these boots. When something serves us well, we should appreciate that, and I appreciate these boots, so I felt that they should have a posting of their own.

Things do fall apart, when the center cannot hold, and I have learned that when certain things break, then it is Time for certain changes. I have not decided the fate of these boots as I will soon be going to Texas and New Mexico, where for the most part I will be again wearing sandals everywhere. Whether they gain yet another life remains to be seen. Or, they will be retired with my sandals from India.

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